wooden wick candle in a round silver tin surrounded by flowers

Exclusively Yours

Customize your event with your choice of scents, tin color, and packaging. Personalized to make your event unforgettable. Offer gifts to your wedding party, custom items for party grab bags, or beautiful centerpieces for your decor.


Push Mile is more than just a candle company, it has been, and will continue to be the visual representation of my ability to adapt, grow, and heal. Scent is my tether, creativity is my anchor, and my candles are the result of my love of both.

The strongest of our senses is smell, it connects us to the world and ourselves. My way of connecting with that is through candle pouring. Candles lift even the lowest of spirits and often have been pivotal in bringing me back from a mental space that was very unhealthy. Creating something with my own hands and have it loved and enjoyed by many fills me. I enjoy the process and have indulged in way too many fragrance oil purchases to ever be sensible, but I am in love with the final result. Do the thing that feeds your soul, no matter what that may be, and do it while burning my amazing candles. They are truly a vibe! 


Keep Pushing! 


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